Friday, July 11, 2014

Massage For CrossFit Athletes

Mobility and movement are the essential building blocks to CrossFit. Without proper movement and mobility we find ourselves unable to perform the CrossFit movements with full range of motion and pain free. There are many facets to mobility and one is ensuring that we keep our muscles in tip-top shape to keep us moving well. A great way to do that is to incorporate regular massage therapy into our training program.

Benefits of massage therapy:
Improves blood and lymph circulation
Improves flexibility, lengthening of fascia and muscle which increases range of motion and has the added benefit of making your muscles look more toned
Decreases inflammation
Improves respiratory functions
Stimulates the immune system
Improves lymphatic movement to break up and release toxins and helps reduce pain and inflammation in the joints and tendons
Decreases stress and anxiety

Self Myofascial Release
To a lesser degree, this offers the same benefits as massage but you can do it at home on your own. Think of it as “maintenance work” that you can do in between your massage therapy sessions.  The most common tools used are a Foam Roller and a Tennis Ball or a Lacrosse ball.  Just ask us how to use them and I’ll demonstrate them for you.  Highly recommended to make them part of your daily routine. 

Massages don’t just feel great, they also provide excellent recovery assistance for CrossFit athletes. Getting a regular massage once a month or more can help you reduce soreness and risk of injury while increasing mobility so you can perform better.

During high intensity exercise, lactic acid and general toxins from acidity increase in your muscles. Your body can naturally clear lactic acid and toxins with time and rest, however massage can help expedite the process, especially when you are working out often. 

The best times to get a massage:
•At least 45 minutes after you have completed your WOD for the day.
•During recovery periods – rest days or deload weeks.
•3 days before a competition or race. This will help improve your range of motion and mobility for your competition.
•After a competition or race to help you recover quickly.

Getting the most out of your massage
You may find that your muscles are sore the next 24 – 48 hours after a massage. Some ways that you can help your body recover and get the most benefits from your massage include:
•Drinking lots of water before and after your massage. Being properly hydrated assists lymphatic drainage and blood flow.
•Using heat packs or having a warm bath with Epsom salts reduces muscle tenderness.
•Get a good night of sleep.
#CrossFit  #CrossFitmassage #Sportsmassage

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