Saturday, August 2, 2014

Trigger Point Massage Therapy


Trigger points are “knots with attitude” which can refer pain to other parts of the body.
For example, the bodybuilder who has well developed shoulders may have trigger points in his or her upper traps which can cause headache and neck pain. Trigger Point Therapy can be used to release these knots and relieve the headaches and pain. Because referral pain is common with trigger points, Trigger Point Therapy can help relieve pain in many areas by focusing on the area of the trigger point.
There are many other benefits of Trigger Point Therapy when used as part of a therapeutic massage program. Used in sportsmassage, Trigger Point Therapy can help improve performance through the release of knots, thereby also improving stamina, energy and endurance.
A trigger point is a very tender spot in the body, often an isolated area within a particular muscle group - which will cause shooting pain in other areas of the body when stimulated. Trigger points can make themselves apparent in viewable knots or in tight bands of muscle fibers. Considering that an untreated trigger point is likely to cause increased, spreading pain and future problems with balance and correct posture, the long-term benefit of the therapy outweighs any short-term discomfort associated with Trigger Point Therapy.


One of the advantages of Trigger Point Therapy when compared to other massage therapies that are used to manage and treat pain is that it identifies and works very specific points of the body…specifically, those locations where the pain occurs to provide the best method of treatment for the pain.


Depending on where the pain is, and it usually occurs in the shoulders, back, or hips; the therapist will have the client lie down in a way which is both comfortable for the client, in the sense that other trigger points are not aggravated, and easy for the therapist to work the area. The therapist will then canvass the body in order to locate the exact area of where the trigger point is located. After locating the trigger point or points, the therapist will use several different techniques of varying pressure on and around the points in order to break down the build-up of the knot. Depending on the size of the trigger point, it may take several visits to the therapist in order to be assured that the entire trigger point has been deactivated.

Post-Trigger Point Treatment

Once the trigger point has been effectively treated or removed, it is important for the guest to remain hydrated. The breaking down of the trigger point takes all of the toxins that have built up in these areas and releases them so proper hydration is important. Drinking plenty of water and other healthy beverages allows for the toxins to wash out of the blood stream in a short period of time, allowing the client to continue their lives both toxin and trigger point free. Additionally, many therapists will recommend that you take an Epsom salt bath to assist with removing toxins and muscle soreness.

#Triggerpoint   #Triggerpointtherapy  #Sportsmassage  #Muscleknots

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