Tui Na is the oldest known system of massage. Originating in China, it is recorded in the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine since 2300 B.C. as one of the five major therapies of the time. Tui Na has remained an organized and systematically developed system of massage since that time.
This Chinese therapy makes use of rhythmic compression techniques along different energy channels of the body to establish harmonious flow of Qi throughout the body and bringing it back to balance. It works deeply with the positive energy of the body. External herbal poultices, compresses, liniments and salves are also used to enhance the other therapeutic methods.
Many of the techniques used in this massage resemble that of a western massage like gliding, kneading, vibration, tapping, friction, pulling, rolling, pressing and shaking.
In Tui Na massage, the muscles and tendons are massaged with the help of hands, and an acupressure technique is applied to directly affect the flow of Qi at different acupressure points of the body, thus facilitating the healing process. It removes the blockages and keeps the energy moving through the meridians as well as the muscles.
The best part of the therapy is that it relaxes as well as energizes the person. The main benefit of Tui Na massage is that it focuses on the specific problem, whether it is an acute or a chronic pain associated with the joints, muscles or a skeletal system. This technique is very beneficial in reducing the pain of neck, shoulders, hips, back, arms, thighs, legs and ankle disorders. It is a very effective therapy for arthritis, pain, sciatica and muscle spasms. Other benefits of this massage therapy include alleviation of the stress related disorders like insomnia, constipation, headaches and other disorders related to digestive, respiratory and reproductive systems.
The greatest advantage of Tui Na is that it focuses on maintaining overall balance with both physical and mental health. Tui Na massage therapy is now becoming a more common therapy method due to its focus on specific problems rather than providing a general treatment.
#Tuina #Orientalmassage #neckpain #Backpain #Headaches #Qi #insomnia
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Trigger Point Massage Therapy
Trigger points are “knots with attitude” which can refer pain to other
parts of the body.
For example, the bodybuilder who has well developed shoulders may have trigger points in his or her upper traps which can cause headache and neck pain. Trigger Point Therapy can be used to release these knots and relieve the headaches and pain. Because referral pain is common with trigger points, Trigger Point Therapy can help relieve pain in many areas by focusing on the area of the trigger point.
#Triggerpoint #Triggerpointtherapy #Sportsmassage #Muscleknots
For example, the bodybuilder who has well developed shoulders may have trigger points in his or her upper traps which can cause headache and neck pain. Trigger Point Therapy can be used to release these knots and relieve the headaches and pain. Because referral pain is common with trigger points, Trigger Point Therapy can help relieve pain in many areas by focusing on the area of the trigger point.
There are many other benefits of Trigger Point
Therapy when used as part of a therapeutic massage program. Used in sportsmassage, Trigger Point Therapy can help improve performance through the release
of knots, thereby also improving stamina, energy and endurance.
A trigger point is a very tender spot in the body,
often an isolated area within a particular muscle group - which will cause
shooting pain in other areas of the body when stimulated. Trigger points can
make themselves apparent in viewable knots or in tight bands of muscle fibers. Considering
that an untreated trigger point is likely to cause increased, spreading pain
and future problems with balance and correct posture, the long-term benefit of
the therapy outweighs any short-term discomfort associated with Trigger Point
One of the advantages of Trigger Point Therapy when
compared to other massage therapies that are used to manage and treat pain is
that it identifies and works very specific points of the body…specifically,
those locations where the pain occurs to provide the best method of treatment
for the pain.
Depending on where the pain is, and it usually
occurs in the shoulders, back, or hips; the therapist will have the client lie
down in a way which is both comfortable for the client, in the sense that other
trigger points are not aggravated, and easy for the therapist to work the area.
The therapist will then canvass the body in order to locate the exact area of
where the trigger point is located. After locating the trigger point or points,
the therapist will use several different techniques of varying pressure on and
around the points in order to break down the build-up of the knot. Depending on
the size of the trigger point, it may take several visits to the therapist in
order to be assured that the entire trigger point has been deactivated.
Point Treatment
Once the trigger point has been effectively treated
or removed, it is important for the guest to remain hydrated. The breaking down
of the trigger point takes all of the toxins that have built up in these areas
and releases them so proper hydration is important. Drinking plenty of water
and other healthy beverages allows for the toxins to wash out of the blood
stream in a short period of time, allowing the client to continue their lives
both toxin and trigger point free. Additionally, many therapists will recommend
that you take an Epsom salt bath to assist with removing toxins and muscle
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Sitting and Back Discomfort
As the workforce has shifted from factories to offices, the incidence of back pain has increased dramatically. Researchers blame this increase on one simple activity that we do all the time – sitting.
Our bodies were not designed to sit for long periods of time. We were made to move!
Almost everyone who sits for long periods of time will develop back pain, even with the use of an ergonomic chair. It’s not uncommon to develop other problems as well.
Surveys of office workers indicate that about half of all employees have frequent pain or stiffness in their necks and shoulders. Repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome are becoming more common and about 10% of keyboard users experience wrist pain or discomfort. Who would have thought that sitting could wreak such havoc on your body?
Your body needs movement to operate effectively. If you have a sedentary lifestyle or sit for most of the day, your body is going to start complaining. You have to move!
When your muscles contract, they are assisting the flow of blood and lymph fluid through your body. The muscles act as a pump. If they don’t contract regularly the blood in your extremities pools and you may get swelling of your feet and hands or those parts may just feel cold because the blood circulation is insufficient.
When you sit for long periods of time certain postural muscles, like your shoulder muscles, become overworked. These will tend to become short and tight from overuse whereas other muscles like your gluteal, abdominal and mid-back muscles, will become weak and atrophy.
Take a Microbreak -
Lean back in your chair and stretch your arms up and your legs out. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Then do circles with your ankles and wrists. Continue to reach up and back, close your eyes, smile, breathe in deeply and out slowly several times.
In the short time it takes to perform this micro break, you have released the lock of your visual and mental tasks, stretched away muscle tension built up in your hips, spine, and arms and refreshed your body with extra oxygen by expanding your rib cage. You also improved your posture as well as the circulation of blood through your legs and arms. All this in less than 30 seconds!
HELP! I'm stuck behind my desk -
If you are stuck behind a desk all day, there are a number of things you can do to keep your body healthy.
Make sure you’re using the chair to support your body. For example, most people don’t use the backrest properly to support the low back. As they sit down they aim their bottom at the middle of the seat. Then to reach the backrest they slouch backwards. Are you guilty of this? If you are, start aiming your sit bones toward the back edge of the chair as you sit down.
It’s very important to take frequent breaks. Consider this study: Researchers had subjects sit in chairs as they measured tension in their back muscles. After about twenty minutes of sitting, their back muscles started spontaneously tensing up even though the chairs were adjusted to completely support their backs!
Taking breaks will keep your muscles from tightening up.
Use the 20/20 rule: Take a twenty second break at least every twenty minutes. Use these “micro-breaks” to stand up, stretch out and take a couple of deep breaths.
If possible vary the tasks you do throughout the day so that you don’t work at one single activity for too long. For example, if your job involves typing and filing, alternate the tasks every half-hour.
Get a regular massage to help you get rid of accumulated tension, stretch out overworked and tight muscles to get your circulation going.
Lastly, be sure to exercise regularly. It is vitally important that you balance your inactivity with activity. Try some form of gentle aerobics like swimming, hiking or biking.
#backpain #massage
Our bodies were not designed to sit for long periods of time. We were made to move!
Almost everyone who sits for long periods of time will develop back pain, even with the use of an ergonomic chair. It’s not uncommon to develop other problems as well.
Surveys of office workers indicate that about half of all employees have frequent pain or stiffness in their necks and shoulders. Repetitive strain injuries like carpal tunnel syndrome are becoming more common and about 10% of keyboard users experience wrist pain or discomfort. Who would have thought that sitting could wreak such havoc on your body?
Your body needs movement to operate effectively. If you have a sedentary lifestyle or sit for most of the day, your body is going to start complaining. You have to move!
When your muscles contract, they are assisting the flow of blood and lymph fluid through your body. The muscles act as a pump. If they don’t contract regularly the blood in your extremities pools and you may get swelling of your feet and hands or those parts may just feel cold because the blood circulation is insufficient.
When you sit for long periods of time certain postural muscles, like your shoulder muscles, become overworked. These will tend to become short and tight from overuse whereas other muscles like your gluteal, abdominal and mid-back muscles, will become weak and atrophy.
Take a Microbreak -
Lean back in your chair and stretch your arms up and your legs out. Wiggle your fingers and toes. Then do circles with your ankles and wrists. Continue to reach up and back, close your eyes, smile, breathe in deeply and out slowly several times.
In the short time it takes to perform this micro break, you have released the lock of your visual and mental tasks, stretched away muscle tension built up in your hips, spine, and arms and refreshed your body with extra oxygen by expanding your rib cage. You also improved your posture as well as the circulation of blood through your legs and arms. All this in less than 30 seconds!
HELP! I'm stuck behind my desk -
If you are stuck behind a desk all day, there are a number of things you can do to keep your body healthy.
Make sure you’re using the chair to support your body. For example, most people don’t use the backrest properly to support the low back. As they sit down they aim their bottom at the middle of the seat. Then to reach the backrest they slouch backwards. Are you guilty of this? If you are, start aiming your sit bones toward the back edge of the chair as you sit down.
It’s very important to take frequent breaks. Consider this study: Researchers had subjects sit in chairs as they measured tension in their back muscles. After about twenty minutes of sitting, their back muscles started spontaneously tensing up even though the chairs were adjusted to completely support their backs!
Taking breaks will keep your muscles from tightening up.
Use the 20/20 rule: Take a twenty second break at least every twenty minutes. Use these “micro-breaks” to stand up, stretch out and take a couple of deep breaths.
If possible vary the tasks you do throughout the day so that you don’t work at one single activity for too long. For example, if your job involves typing and filing, alternate the tasks every half-hour.
Get a regular massage to help you get rid of accumulated tension, stretch out overworked and tight muscles to get your circulation going.
Lastly, be sure to exercise regularly. It is vitally important that you balance your inactivity with activity. Try some form of gentle aerobics like swimming, hiking or biking.
If you have specific health concerns consult your medical doctor.
The information in this newsletter is educational only and is not intended to replace the advice of your personal health care providers.
I bring bodywork experience and education to the massage table!
I offer you diverse and comprehensive massage therapy sessions in the comfort of your home or office. Your treatment goals are foremost and your needs will be heard and addressed. I utilize both traditional and alternative treatment techniques, and recommend self care tips and exercise options that evolve with your individual healing process. My intention is to be a facilitator in your healing process and health maintenance. I believe that within the human body is the desire and ability to be well, and through bodywork, I serve to act as a catalyst for this process.
#backpain #massage
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Heated Bamboo Massage

Hot Bamboo massage incorporates different lengths and diameters
of bamboo sticks. Warmed smooth bamboo, is integrated into a flowing Swedish
massage. It brings the warming, soothing effect of hot stone into massage
without all the extra time, mess, and prep work that stone therapy brings.
Bamboo holds the heat longer than stones do. The bamboo
sticks are wrapped in a heating pad to warm them. The bamboo is easily cleaned
and sanitized with antibacterial wipes.
An Extension of Hands
With the bamboo sticks as an extension of the hands the
therapist can easily find tension and dissolve knots and trigger points. They
are used to knead and stretch muscle and fascia in all directions. The massage
can go as light or as deep as necessary.

Massage lotion or oil is used with the bamboo. A twelve inch
bamboo stick is used for large areas to knead the muscles and also uses a
crisscross technique to stretch fascia. The shorter tools are used for small
areas and deeper work. The warmth brings relaxation in a shorter time as it
quickly penetrates to relax the muscles.
Lasting Effects
Bamboo massage is at the forefront of the massage industry,
becoming the new treatment at top spas and resorts around the country. Many
massage therapists are now offering bamboo massage, as I do in my local
This wonderful technique promotes a deep sense of well-being
and delicious relaxation. Many clients report that the positive effects of the
bamboo tools seem even longer lasting than deep tissue massage without the
bamboo sticks.
What are some of the benefits of
Heated Bamboo Massage?
Increases circulation
Flushes body of metabolic wastes (i.e., lactic
acid) for faster healing time and detoxification
Decreases muscle spasms
Breaks up tissue adhesions
Releases endorphins to promote relaxation and
pain reduction
#Hotstone #Massage
Monday, July 14, 2014
Benefits of Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage targets the deepest parts of the muscle tissues and tendons. This therapy also focuses on the fascia, which protects joints and muscles. Massage is ideal for people who have particular trouble areas in their bodies. Massage therapists apply slow and deliberate strokes that are less rhythmic compared to other forms of massage.
Deep-tissue massage offers a variety of emotional, biological, and physical health benefits.
Improved circulation helps to offer immediate relief. Muscle tension is common among people who suffer from chronic pain. The massage is an ideal way to deal with this kind of tension.
Toxins can be stored in the body tissue and this can increase your risk of developing chronic diseases. Deep tissue massage helps the body to release toxins by increasing oxygen and blood circulation in the tissue.
The pressure put on the tissues also promotes drainage in the lymphatic system. The presence of scar tissue can cause stiffness and constant pain. Deep tissue massage offers relief and it is ideal, especially if you are recovering from an accident or surgery.
This stress hormone is released in response to any physical or psychological stress that you face. The massage lowers the levels of stress hormones in your body. It also reduces heart rate, which goes up when you are stressed.
A massage also improves your mood and promotes relaxation because it triggers the release of serotonin and oxytocin in the body. When your serotonin levels are up, you feel happier. Hectic day-to-day activities can cause stress and this leads to tense muscles, tension headaches and bad moods. A deep tissue massage relieves the stress and lifts your mood.
#deeptissue #deeptissuemassage #massage
Deep-tissue massage offers a variety of emotional, biological, and physical health benefits.
1. Muscle Tension Relief
Deep tissue massage offers long term relief from muscle tension and muscle cramps. This massage is therapeutic because it focuses on the muscles that are tense. The pressure helps to relieve tension by enhancing blood circulation in the affected area.Improved circulation helps to offer immediate relief. Muscle tension is common among people who suffer from chronic pain. The massage is an ideal way to deal with this kind of tension.
2. Toxin Release
Toxin build up is one of the main causes of degenerative diseases in human beings. Exposure to environmental chemicals can lead to toxin build up. However, we also get toxins through normal internal body processes.Toxins can be stored in the body tissue and this can increase your risk of developing chronic diseases. Deep tissue massage helps the body to release toxins by increasing oxygen and blood circulation in the tissue.
3. Chronic Pain Reduction
Deep tissue massage has been identified as one of the most effective ways to manage chronic pain. It is also affordable compared to the prescription and over-the-counter medications that most people rely on to reduce pain. The pressure applied during this kind of massage promotes blood flow in the body, which in turn reduces inflammation. Most chronic pain is caused by inflammation.4. Promote Scar Healing
People who have scars from injuries or surgery can use deep tissue massage to promote healing. This form of massage helps to break up the tissue that forms after injury and surgery. The scar tissue can disappear after repeated massage sessions. It works because it enhances circulation in the lymphatic system.The pressure put on the tissues also promotes drainage in the lymphatic system. The presence of scar tissue can cause stiffness and constant pain. Deep tissue massage offers relief and it is ideal, especially if you are recovering from an accident or surgery.
5. Enhance Emotional Health
A deep tissue massage can help to promote emotional health by reducing stress levels. Stress is a part of daily life and it is considered necessary but when it gets out of hand, it can have adverse effects on your emotional and physical health. When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol.This stress hormone is released in response to any physical or psychological stress that you face. The massage lowers the levels of stress hormones in your body. It also reduces heart rate, which goes up when you are stressed.
A massage also improves your mood and promotes relaxation because it triggers the release of serotonin and oxytocin in the body. When your serotonin levels are up, you feel happier. Hectic day-to-day activities can cause stress and this leads to tense muscles, tension headaches and bad moods. A deep tissue massage relieves the stress and lifts your mood.
#deeptissue #deeptissuemassage #massage
Friday, July 11, 2014
Massage For CrossFit Athletes
Mobility and movement
are the essential building blocks to CrossFit. Without proper movement and
mobility we find ourselves unable to perform the CrossFit movements with full
range of motion and pain free. There are many facets to mobility and one is
ensuring that we keep our muscles in tip-top shape to keep us moving well. A
great way to do that is to incorporate regular massage therapy into our training
Benefits of massage therapy:
◾Improves blood and lymph circulation
◾Improves flexibility,
lengthening of fascia and muscle which increases range of motion and has the
added benefit of making your muscles look more toned
◾Decreases inflammation
◾Improves respiratory functions
◾Stimulates the immune system
◾Improves lymphatic movement to
break up and release toxins and helps reduce pain and inflammation in the joints
and tendons
◾Decreases stress and anxiety
Self Myofascial
To a lesser degree, this offers the same benefits as massage
but you can do it at home on your own. Think of it as “maintenance work” that
you can do in between your massage therapy sessions. The most common tools used are a Foam Roller
and a Tennis Ball or a Lacrosse ball. Just
ask us how to use them and I’ll demonstrate them for you. Highly recommended to make them part of your
daily routine.
Massages don’t just feel great, they also provide excellent
recovery assistance for CrossFit athletes. Getting a regular massage once a
month or more can help you reduce soreness and risk of injury while increasing
mobility so you can perform better.
During high intensity exercise, lactic acid and general
toxins from acidity increase in your muscles. Your body can naturally clear
lactic acid and toxins with time and rest, however massage can help expedite
the process, especially when you are working out often.
The best times to
get a massage:
•At least 45 minutes after you have completed your WOD for
the day.
•During recovery periods – rest days or deload weeks.
•3 days before a competition or race. This will help improve
your range of motion and mobility for your competition.
•After a competition or race to help you recover quickly.
Getting the most
out of your massage
You may find that your muscles are sore the next 24 – 48
hours after a massage. Some ways that you can help your body recover and get the
most benefits from your massage include:
•Drinking lots of water before and after your massage. Being
properly hydrated assists lymphatic drainage and blood flow.
•Using heat packs or having a warm bath with Epsom salts
reduces muscle tenderness.
•Get a good night of sleep.
#CrossFit #CrossFitmassage #Sportsmassage
Monday, July 7, 2014
The Benefits Of Massage For People With Diabetes
The Benefits Of Massage For People With Diabetes
As with any population, massage is a beneficial
complementary therapy -- diabetics, however, can find the results especially
Circulation -- There is no getting around the fact that massage can increase circulation, thereby encouraging the efficient transport of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Improved circulation, in turn, improves the cells' insulin uptake.
Relaxation -- The benefits of relaxation should not be underestimated, especially within the diabetic community. Consider the physical and psychological stresses of living with a debilitating disease and the need to self-medicate and monitor on a daily basis, as well as the burden diabetes puts on the body and its systems. That said, it's easy to see the therapeutic correlation between massage and diabetes. With the release of endorphins, the nervous system calms, there is a reduction of stress hormones and the diabetic client can find a homeostasis with their blood sugar levels.
Myofascial Effects -- For the client with diabetes, there may be a thickening of their connective tissue caused by increased blood sugars. Massage will help to increase mobility and tissue elasticity that has been hindered by that thickening effect. Of course, a good exercise program -- with an efficient stretching regimen -- will also be of benefit.
Circulation -- There is no getting around the fact that massage can increase circulation, thereby encouraging the efficient transport of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Improved circulation, in turn, improves the cells' insulin uptake.
Relaxation -- The benefits of relaxation should not be underestimated, especially within the diabetic community. Consider the physical and psychological stresses of living with a debilitating disease and the need to self-medicate and monitor on a daily basis, as well as the burden diabetes puts on the body and its systems. That said, it's easy to see the therapeutic correlation between massage and diabetes. With the release of endorphins, the nervous system calms, there is a reduction of stress hormones and the diabetic client can find a homeostasis with their blood sugar levels.
Myofascial Effects -- For the client with diabetes, there may be a thickening of their connective tissue caused by increased blood sugars. Massage will help to increase mobility and tissue elasticity that has been hindered by that thickening effect. Of course, a good exercise program -- with an efficient stretching regimen -- will also be of benefit.
Advice to Diabetics
Tell your therapist what you need, and do not be afraid to give them honest feedback about your experience. This is an opportunity for both therapist and client to learn from each other, enjoying the experience of giving and receiving massage. No matter what specific type of therapy is used, it is the communication and rapport between therapist and client that is most important.
If you have particular needs and concerns, share those with your therapist. Let them know what is most helpful to you. Know it is okay to stop and drink some juice during a massage if you need to, and let them know if a shorter session is more in order for you.
#Diabetes #Diabetesmassage
Tell your therapist what you need, and do not be afraid to give them honest feedback about your experience. This is an opportunity for both therapist and client to learn from each other, enjoying the experience of giving and receiving massage. No matter what specific type of therapy is used, it is the communication and rapport between therapist and client that is most important.
If you have particular needs and concerns, share those with your therapist. Let them know what is most helpful to you. Know it is okay to stop and drink some juice during a massage if you need to, and let them know if a shorter session is more in order for you.
Monday, June 30, 2014
The Benefits of Sports Massage
Sports massage therapy is geared toward athletes of every kind, from world-class professionals to weekend golfers and tennis players. The particulars of the sports massage technique are specific to the athlete's sport of choice. Focusing on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements.
Aspects of sports massage therapy are gaining popularity as useful components in a balanced training regimen. Sports massage therapy can be used as a means to enhance pre-event preparation and reduce recovery time for maximum performance during training or after an event. Athletes have discovered that specially designed sports massage promotes flexibility, reduces fatigue, improves endurance, helps prevent injuries and prepares their body and mind for optimal performance.
One of the key benefits of Sports massage therapy compared to other modalities is its ability to target muscle-tendon junctions. A 2010 study in the journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that even a 30-second massage improved hip-flexor range of motion. Another study conducted by Margaret Jones, Ph.D. of the American College of Sports Medicine, demonstrated a notable trend toward decreased muscle soreness in the athletes who received massage either before or after exercise.
For anyone participating in regular physical activity, Sports massage therapy every week or two may be a great addition to your normal regimen. Working together, we will find a plan that will work best with your schedule, level of activity and budget.
The American Massage Therapy Association states that research shows that in relation to exercise and athletic participation, massage can do the following:
Reduce muscle tension
Help athletes monitor muscle tone
Promote relaxation
Increase range of motion
Decrease muscle stiffness and soreness after exercise
Enhance athletic performance
Help prevent injuries when massage is received regularly
Aspects of sports massage therapy are gaining popularity as useful components in a balanced training regimen. Sports massage therapy can be used as a means to enhance pre-event preparation and reduce recovery time for maximum performance during training or after an event. Athletes have discovered that specially designed sports massage promotes flexibility, reduces fatigue, improves endurance, helps prevent injuries and prepares their body and mind for optimal performance.
One of the key benefits of Sports massage therapy compared to other modalities is its ability to target muscle-tendon junctions. A 2010 study in the journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that even a 30-second massage improved hip-flexor range of motion. Another study conducted by Margaret Jones, Ph.D. of the American College of Sports Medicine, demonstrated a notable trend toward decreased muscle soreness in the athletes who received massage either before or after exercise.
For anyone participating in regular physical activity, Sports massage therapy every week or two may be a great addition to your normal regimen. Working together, we will find a plan that will work best with your schedule, level of activity and budget.
The American Massage Therapy Association states that research shows that in relation to exercise and athletic participation, massage can do the following:
Reduce muscle tension
Help athletes monitor muscle tone
Promote relaxation
Increase range of motion
Decrease muscle stiffness and soreness after exercise
Enhance athletic performance
Help prevent injuries when massage is received regularly
Thursday, June 26, 2014
The 7 Powerful Benefits of Raindrop Aromatherapy
Raindrop Aromatherapy is the use of 7 essential oils and 2 essential oil blends. Each essential oil is first used to massage the spinal reflexes on each foot. They are then dropped like rain onto the back, then feathered and massaged along the vertebrae and back muscles. The oils promote muscle relaxation & continue to work for up to 1 week to reduce inflammation, balance energy & support the immune system.

1. Raindrop Technique helps reduce pain.
2. Raindrop Technique helps relieve stress.
3. Raindrop Technique helps improve circulation.
4. Raindrop Technique helps reduce inflammation.
5. Raindrop Technique helps improve immune function.
6. Raindrop Technique can facilitate the release of pent-up negative emotions.
7. Raindrop Technique can help prevent bacterial & viral causes of spinal
*Remember-plants were mankind's first medicine.
#Aromatherapy #Raindroptherapy
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Essential Oils
Essential Oils
Healing Tides Massage Therapy uses only high grade essential oils and oil enhanced products. Essential oils are the world’s most powerful medicinals.

Healing Tides Massage Therapy carries many of the more popular Young Living oil products and can assist you in enrolling so you may take advantage of 24% off the retail price of these high grade products.
Raindrop Aromatherapy
Raindrop Aromatherapy is a gentle yet powerful technique developed from ancient Egyptian and Native American energy principles. These are combined with Ancient Tibetan reflexology; various massage techniques and the power of therapeutic-grade essential oils, to create a truly unique and wonderful experience.
It is a treat to all of the senses, and the body, mind and spirit. The technique is usually performed in silence, giving you the opportunity to sink into a deep state of relaxation and inner connection. Many people drift off to sleep when they receive Raindrop Aromatherapy, aided by the relaxing effects of the essential oils.
Raindrop Aromatherapy Massage utilizes only the purest, therapeutic grade essential oils. The massage consists of at least 7 different oils and two oil blends, applied in a specific sequence, first on spinal reflexes of the feet, and then by dripping them from a height of 6 inches, on to the spine and muscles of the back. They are then massaged into the body using gentle light-touch massage techniques. The application of these oils helps to release toxins, balance the body’s systems, and open the energy flow throughout the entire body. The treatment ends with moist heat applied to the back, followed by a gentle neck massage.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Chair Massage
Massage Therapy Techniques
Currently, the most effective massage techniques that massage chairs
are designed to try to be like are that of Shiatsu and Swedish massage.
Swedish massage is characteristic of long gliding strokes and kneading motions. This type of massage aims at fostering proper and strong circulation.

Massage improves venous and lymphatic flow—manipulating muscles increases blood flow. Increasing blood flow facilitates the circulation and absorption of nutritional elements into the muscles and tissues. Increasing lymphatic circulation clears toxins out of these areas. Together, this revitalizes the massaged area.
Shiatsu tends to use pressing, sweeping, patting, rolling, and
rotating movements. The defining characteristic of Shiatsu is its focus on
releasing tension in specific locations of the body.
Benefits of Massage Therapy and Massage Chairs
Comprehensive research has demonstrated that there are three central
reasons why massage is beneficial:
Massage therapy decreases tension and improves flexibility - massaging helps loosen tight and strained muscles. Stretching and kneading problem areas allow muscles to relax as well.
Massage therapy increases endorphin levels - possibly the most beneficial aspect of massage. Endorphins are the 'feel good' chemicals that run through the body - increasing their levels induces positive results. Among other benefits, increasing endorphin levels has been correlated with quicker recovery, reduced pain, and reduced anxiety.
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